
By joachim, Fri, 04/16/2021 - 13:32

Often when things seem really complicated, I think it's because I must be doing it wrong.

Working on Drupal core since dependencies were removed from git has seemed really fiddly. For a long time I thought I must have missed something, that there was some undocumented technique I wasn't aware of.

But I've asked various people who work on core a lot more than I do, and they've confirmed that what I've been doing is pretty much the way that they do it:

By joachim, Wed, 01/09/2019 - 14:19

It's no secret that I find Composer a very troublesome piece of software to work with.

I have issues with Composer on two fronts. First, its output is extremely user-unfriendly, such as the long lists of impenetrable statements about dependencies that it produces when it tells you why it can't make a change you request. Second, many Composer commands have unwanted side-effects, and these work against the practice that changes to your codebase should be as simple as possible for the sake of developer sanity, testing, and user acceptance.
