
By joachim, Tue, 07/10/2012 - 19:20

My workflow for making patches is to use a feature branch for a single issue. Whether you're a contributor or a maintainer it lets you advance the fixing of the problem in small increments, and safely experiment knowing you can roll back.

But where it goes wrong is when your patch is superseded by a newer one in the issue queue, and you want to work on it some more. How do you update your branch for the ongoing work? As ever, with git there's a way.

By joachim, Wed, 11/23/2011 - 13:20

There are several modules that provide taxonomy term widgets that are more efficient at drilling down into large and complex vocabularies of terms, but I've not yet found something that just limits terms in some way.

The use case is somewhat like this: I have products that are classified by sport and by team. And teams can be rugby teams or football teams, and so on. Having one vocabulary per type of team feels somewhat weak, but putting them all in one vocabulary means the user has to wade through a lot of irrelevant terms.

By joachim, Fri, 10/28/2011 - 08:52

I've recently had cause to make Views make joins to tables in peculiar ways. Here's some notes on the peculiar things I did with the views_join class to accomplish that.

First of all I'll briefly recap how we define a table to Views. Each item in the $data array returned to hook_view_data() represents all the information about a table. Each key in the array is a field on that table (well, or pseudofield), except for the 'table' key which has the basic data about our table, like this:

By joachim, Wed, 06/30/2010 - 15:59

Here's a little function I wrote today because I needed to be able to turn a list of between one and three items into a string like 'apples, oranges, and pears', 'apples and pears', or just 'stairs'.

I figured I might as well handle everything in one place, and throw in the option to have an 'or' instead of an 'and'. There may be occasions you don't want the Oxford comma, but I can't think of any.
